The Ultra-High Net Worth Individuals UHNW - those with significant financial resources - often have complex financial needs and a diverse portfolio of investments
Managing High Profile Real Estate property involves many different moving pieces and competences, and a whole lot of communication to keep things working smoothly. For your real estate property to be successful, you’re best off having a “bespoke” partner and streamlined way to manage it all.
Managing High Profile Real Estate property involves many different moving pieces and competences, and a whole lot of communication to keep things working smoothly. For your real estate property to be successful, you’re best off having a “bespoke” partner and streamlined way to manage it all.
Italy is well known for its culture, history, areas of natural beauty, lifestyle, and pleasant year-round climate
Xerendipity Management statistics reveal that there’s been a significant shift towards ultra and ultra high-end professional concierge property management of real estate that is eclipsing own management
Xerendipity Group
Where to find us
24 Southwark Street,
London, SE1 1TY
United Kingdom
HQ London: +44 20 7855 2939
Italy Branch: +39 02 8088 8425
Inspiring Greatness
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Our Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-19:00
Sun: 10:00-17:00
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